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Keeping it in the pipe

Solutions Request

How can ZENRG help with your emission challenges?

Interested in joining a great team?

Apply now

Our team is always looking for qualified Field Technicians to join our team…
  • Demonstrated knowledge to safely work around high-pressure applications in Oil & Gas.
  • Experience plumbing, operating, maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing compression technologies.
  • Capable of transporting equipment, potentially including DOT loads to and from job sites.
  • Participate in training programs – safety, operator qualifications, customer specific certifications, and competencies.
  • Travel to various job sites across the US.
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Our Features

24/7 Availability

Experienced crews are available to operate 24/7 to meet your work schedule across a number of locations across the lower 48.

Proven Technology

Provides differentiated solutions, using “best fit” technologies for specific applications.

Safety Controls

Safety controls are a core part of our operations, from the equipment to our operational procedures.

Highly Specialized

Our crews are trained to industry and customer specific requirements and specialized to work with high pressure.

Why Choose ZENRG Industrial Services?

Customer Service…because we care!
The  ZENRG Industrial Services leadership team has in excess of 100 years of experience providing services to customers in Oil & Gas.